Cleaning Supplies
paper towel rolls, disinfectant, Clorox wipes (or similia), tissue paper, sponges, brooms, hand soap, hand sanitizer
Cold Weather Gear
winter shoes, sweaters, coats, scarfs, mittens, gloves, scarfs, hats , warming packs, ect.
Emergency Clothing
In a variety of sizes - socks, underwear, shirt and pants.
Gardening Tools
Seeds, soil, planters, and gloves to maintain the school garden and yard.
Gecko Food Pantry
Variety of shelf-stable and pantry meals such as noodles, canned vegetables, power bars, rice, oatmeal, pancake mix, condense
Gift Cards
For Incentives & emergences - small denominations ($10-$25) for grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, ride share.
Hygiene Kits
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, lotion, hair care and hand sanitizers to support well - being
Non- Perishable
Granola bars, fruit cups, bottled water, and juice boxes for students who need extra nourishment.
Notebooks & Fold
to help students stay organized and engaged in their studies.
Storage & Bins
To help organize donations, school supplies and program materials
Youth Girl Pants
In a variety of sizes
Youth Undergarments
In a variety of sizes - including underwear and socks