teacher wish lists apple with stars teacher wish lists apple with stars
 Teacher Wish List Manager

Cincinnati, Ohio

Gamble Montessori Elementary

Gamble Montessori Elementary
Updated 2/19/2025
Cleaning Supplies
paper towel rolls, disinfectant, Clorox wipes (or similia), tissue paper, sponges, brooms, hand soap, hand sanitizer
Cold Weather Gear
winter shoes, sweaters, coats, scarfs, mittens, gloves, scarfs, hats , warming packs, ect.
Emergency Clothing
In a variety of sizes - socks, underwear, shirt and pants.
Gardening Tools
Seeds, soil, planters, and gloves to maintain the school garden and yard.
Gecko Food Pantry
Variety of shelf-stable and pantry meals such as noodles, canned vegetables, power bars, rice, oatmeal, pancake mix, condense
Gift Cards
For Incentives & emergences - small denominations ($10-$25) for grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, ride share.
Hygiene Kits
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, lotion, hair care and hand sanitizers to support well - being
Non- Perishable
Granola bars, fruit cups, bottled water, and juice boxes for students who need extra nourishment.
Notebooks & Fold
to help students stay organized and engaged in their studies.
Storage & Bins
To help organize donations, school supplies and program materials
Youth Girl Pants
In a variety of sizes
Youth Undergarments
In a variety of sizes - including underwear and socks

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